“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in  faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
-Mission and Purpose Statement, Women of the ELCA

The St. Paul’s Women of the ELCA contribute so much to our shared ministry. In two “Circles” (Deborah and Ruth) and one “Cafe Group” (Katie), these women gather for fellowship, study, and service both within and outside of the St. Paul’s community. For more about each circle’s meetings and duties, check out their pages using the menu above.

Ministries of the St. Paul’s Women of the ELCA

We host a monthly sewing circle to make quilts that are distributed globally through Lutheran World Relief. Last year, we were able to donate forty-four quilts to brothers and sisters in need throughout the world.

Cookies for Care Centers
Every April we make cookies to distribute to residents of our Falls City area care centers.

Festival of Tables
Each July, we host a luncheon with themed tables hosted by members and friends of St. Paul’s. Ticket sales and proceeds from the silent auction are distributed each year to ministries of St. Paul’s, as well as community organizations working to meet the needs of our neighbors.

American Red Cross Bloodmobile Cantina
At least once annually, we host the snack/refreshments area at Prichard Auditorium when the Red Cross comes to Falls City for blood donation drives.

Annual Soup Supper
The first Wednesday in November, we host our annual soup supper, where freewill donations are accepted to fund congregational ministries.

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