
Lutheran Christians believe that in baptism we are joined to Christ and receive the fullness of God’s grace and new life in the waters of that holy sacrament. Given that many of our members are baptized as infants, when the promises of God are spoken over them and parents and sponsor make promises to help the baptized grow in the knowledge of their baptismal responsibilities, we invite younger disciples into an intentional process of learning and growing in faith.

Confirmation (or Affirmation of Baptism) is a two-year process, usually completed in the seventh and eighth grade years, in which these disciples meet to explore Scripture (one year) and Luther’s Small Catechism (one year). The youth of St. Paul’s meet with the teaching team of Roger Lampe and Kyle Olson on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 during the school year as they seek to understand the life of faith and discipleship together. You are invited to attend any class session, or to contact Roger Lampe (through the Church Office – phone 402-245-3828)  with any questions.

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